Wednesday, April 29, 2015

A Missionary Heart

Don Rua possesd a missionary heart for he has done everything for the missions. Among the rectors major, Rua still holds the most number of missionary expeditions.

He prayed for the missions
He hope for the missions
He was sent to the missions- to save souls and lead the congregation

This taught me Obedience, Love, Courage, and Fidelity

Monday, April 27, 2015

O Cor Iesv Sacratisimvm

I found a copy in the Sacristy

On November 21, 1900, Don Rua sent out an instruction to the congregation regarding the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Here I would like to dwell for my synthesis

On his letter, he said these points:

Our consecration glorifies the Sacred Heart and is beneficial to our Congregation

Sacred Heart as a principal symbol in the Coat of Arms
It was Don Bosco's wish that these houses of formation be consecrated to Jesus' Heart.
He aimed the following:
To honor with a most solemn act the Sacred Heart.
To move the Sacred Heart in the sight of the Salesian Family
To seek His special protection.

And expected the following:
Increase in devotion, in fervor and in zeal for good.
Be reminded of our obligation to save our sols. DO BATTLE FOR YOUR SOUL!
That we may appreciate and love more our congregation.

On the latter part, he related the devotion to the Sacred Heart with the devotion to Mary Help of Christians and recommended the following practices to honor the Adorable heart.
The Nine Offices
The Guard of Honor
The Holy Hour
The Veneration of the Image
Apostleship of Prayer
As a conclusion, he writes in these very words:
"I hope that this devotion, understood as I have outlined above 
and practiced with some of the exercises I have mentioned, will bear 
the many fruits it promises for it must be considered as the queen of Devotions. 
I hope too that our Act of Consecration will gain for each of us and for the whole congregation 
now and afterwards graces innumerable and the sureness of life everlasting"

- Sac. Michele Rua

Don Rua's conservation and the seminary's practice of economy and poverty

Having spent three years in the seminary, I witness my self that if not through the generous hearts of benefactors, we would not be benefiting from what we have now. 

Bl. Michael Rua saw that everything is indeed grace and should not be put to waste. He taught me that I should be thankful and appreciate to what the seminary gives me and not to look for "wants". This year I would start to do little things such as conserving water, electricity, and not complaining on the food placed on the table.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Miracles of Bl. Michael Rua

Like Don Bosco, many events proved that Don Rua did perform miracles of course through the grace of God. This miracles were anchored in three things: Prayer, Devotion to Mary Help of Christians and Proper Resolution. For the people to whom he performed the miracles, these were a great help to restore relationship with God and to his Church. Even to his death, he still continued to help his children. He even said: 

"If the good Lord, as I hope, will take me to heaven to Don Bosco, I shall pray for all of you."

A miracle occurred after his death proved that Don Rua kept his promise and is now enjoying the glories of heaven. On June 10, 1971 Pope Paul VI recognized two miracles.

The Healing of Fr. Andrew Pagliari, SDB
The Healing of Benedicta Vaccarina

The same pope beatified Don Rua after a year.
The Beatification of Don Michael Rua as the Gloria was sung

St. Peter's square during the day of his Beatification

Witnesses of the miracles were present 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Message of Rua on becoming Rector Major and this year Strenna of Don Artime, the present Rector Major of the Salesian Congregation

To follow in the footsteps of St. John Bosco and to make Don Bosco present today is what the strenna is all about. Don Rua, as in his plan of life, took Don Bosco as his real model. Now, Don Artime, the 10th Succesor of St. John Bosco wishes that we go back to Don Bosco especially now as we celebrate the bicentenary of the Birth of the Father and Teacher of Youth. He invites us :
Like Don Bosco
With the young
For the young
Strenna 2015

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Rua's Approach to Indiscipline and changing of rules.

Fr. Rua, when asked to change some rules in the oratory by some people who wants a change was not moved for he knew that there is a great reason to put that rule up there. His heart was very reasonable when in the early life of the oratory, as it grows, changed some rules. This taught me many lessons.

Being Just
A Salesian school in Italy c. 1890

Rua's last days and the way he died

I read the book " The Wine in the Chalice" and almost cried when I reached the end of his life. It was such a holy Holy Death when even in his death bed, still taught of his children and and prayed for them. To him is accredited the prayer that in every Salesian house is being prayed every night.

"Dear Mother Mary, ever virgin, help me to save my soul!"

Rua prays before his mother

"To save one's soul, to save one's soul , that is everything"
                                                                                                         - Bl. Michael Rua

Rua's style of preaching

Looking from his first sermons as a priest, it could be deducted that it was not well appreciated by the people unlike to that of Don Bosco. Beside all these, his preaching was always grounded on the scriptures. As time passed, people noted that in his preaching, he was always

1) Practical in giving exhortations
2) Very human and very light (humorous if needed)
3) A man of his words
Bl. Michael Rua gives the blessing on his first mass
Like the prophets of Israel, his very life mirrored his teaching. In the seminary, I'am challenged to speak what is needed to be spoken and to be true to my words.